There is never enough time in a company, so it is important to look for alternatives to make the best use of it. A good way to achieve this is through effective, short and precise meetings.
Improve the productivity of your meetings with these 10 tips
1. Mention only those who really need to be present
One of the most common mistakes is that in order not to leave anyone behind, all the managers of the various departments are called to meetings. But this is a waste of time. The meeting will go much faster if only those who are involved in the issues to be discussed participate.
2. Set an agenda
It is advisable to include a brief summary of the topics to be discussed in the invitation. This will allow participants to prepare the documentation and information they need, making presentations clearer and more concise.
3. Limit yourself to the topics on the agenda
You have to be strict about the topics you discuss. If a meeting has been called to deal with topics A, B and C, nothing beyond these will be discussed. If you allow new topics to be introduced, attention will be lost and the event will last longer than expected.
4. Set a time limit
Even in those cases where the topics to be discussed are very limited, it is possible that the discussion on one or some of them lasts longer than necessary. A good way to prevent this from happening is to set a time limit in advance for dealing with each issue.
By limiting the time, participants will be much more moderate in presenting their own ideas and discussing those of others. They will only focus on what is truly important.
5. Prepare logistics in advance
It’s not unusual for meetings to drag on. When it comes down to it, not all the necessary items are present in the room or some of them are defective. A good way to prevent this from happening is to make a short list of everything you need and make sure everything is there before your appointment. In addition to checking the correct functioning of the computer and audiovisual equipment.
6. You must appoint a moderator
The moderator will have the task of distributing the speaking turns, ensuring that everyone can make their contribution and that no one monopolizes the conversation.
7. Meetings can be held standing
A meeting with participants sitting and taking notes is more likely to drag on. Companies looking to improve productivity management have long applied the standing meetings strategy. Not only is it healthier, but it also makes meetings shorter.
8. Effective meetings require someone to take notes
There must be a person who will have the task of taking note of what has been said and who will then send a memorandum with the issues discussed and the conclusions reached.
9. Reduce in-person meetings
Technology can improve productivity on many levels. Communication apps allow you to hold meetings without traveling, saving you time.
10. Reduce the number of meetings
For last, it will be necessary to evaluate whether all the meetings called are really necessary, because many times this is not the case. Limiting the number of meetings is one of the best ways to increase productivity.
In a small company it is possible to organize effective meetings. It’s just a matter of good organization and setting boundaries.